Thursday, March 22, 2007

BTT: Short

I'm going to start doing the weekly Booking Through Thursday memes.!

1. Short Stories? Or full-length novels?

I want to read short stories. I really do. But I almost never like them. Or at least - I don't like them as much as novels, so I just go with a full-length book instead.

What is is about short stories that so often disappoints me? Maybe I just need more time to get involved with a story.

2. And, what's your favorite source for short stories? (You know, if you read them.)

Well, I never really read them. But I like the idea of short story collections from all different authors. Collections with a theme or the 'best' stories of the year are appealing, but they just never work out for me.

1 comment:

raidergirl3 said...

Congrats on your first BTT.
I think I chose short stories when my attention span isn't so great. Or when I want to read everything a particular author has written - like LM Montgomery, or Stepehn King.